شحن سريع مجاني للطلبات بقيمة 99 دولارًا فما فوق
*Album specifications
- Size: 138 mm
- Booklet: 96P / 1 type (images vary by version)
- Interview Book: 40 pages / 1 type inserted (same image for each version)
- Post Card: Insert 1 type (same image for each version)
- Sticker: 2 types inserted randomly out of 5 types (same image for each version)
- CD: 1 type (images vary by version)
- Photo Card Set: Insert 5 types (1 SET) (same image for each version)
- Photo Card: Random 2 types inserted out of 20 types (same image for each version)
- Limited edition Poster: 1 random out of 2 types (same image for each version)
(Payment will be made according to the initial quantity, but depending on the situation, it may not be 1:1.)